(Important: Read Before You Register. The REGISTRATION FORM is down below)


These Rules and Regulations shall apply to the trail running race events organized and managed by Pimco Sporting Events, the (Race Organizer) which is a group and sporting event organizer and event management affiliate of Pimco Business Solutions Co. Runners either registering online at Pimco’s Official Web Site or registering at Pimco’s Partner Registration outlets shall be covered by this Rules and Regulations as well as other rules specific to a particular trail running race event. It’s understood that runners participating in the race event are fully aware and have read, understood, and agreed to the contents of these Rules and Regulations.


Trail Running is full of fun, exciting, and adventure-filled sports but has its danger too like in any other popular sport. You may suffer possible bruises, injury, or even loss of life from accidents or from natural causes that may happen to you while participating in the event.

1. The Race Organizer, Pimco, the Sponsors, Municipality of Tanay, and all-volunteer group organizations and individuals assisting the Race Event, shall not be held responsible or be held liable for any injury, disability or death of registered participants runners or “bandit” unregistered runners before, during, and after the race.

2. As participants in the Pimco Sporting Events trail running Race Event, you know your body and the state of your own health. By signing up as a participant runner you are responsible for your own safety and your own health condition. By running in the Race Event as a registered participant runner or “bandit” unregistered runner you run at your own risk.

3. You are responsible for getting clearance from your own doctor and your own medical expenses, needs, and necessities before and after the race.

4. You are responsible for securing your own life and disability insurance.

5. By registering and signing up as a registered participant and runner in the trail running Race Event organized and managed by Pimco Sporting Events, you are aware of all possible risks of mountain sports and understand fully the Rules and Regulations that you agree as binding between you and the Race Organizer and that you will faithfully follow, respect, obey, and observe.

6. By signing the waiver upon registration or in the case of online registration by signing up, you bind yourself to the waiver and these Rules and Regulations. And even if you failed to sign the waiver but continue to participate, take part, and run in the race event you bind yourself to the waiver and these Rules and Regulations.


1. Official Online Registration is done only through the Pimco Sporting Events authorized web pages or websites or at the Official Facebook Page Pimco Sporting Events at Websites or pages claiming to accept registration for us, are not valid unless it is officially announced online or any media outlet by Pimco Sporting Events.

2. Official Onsite Registration Partners if there are any will be officially announced and posted in both our official Facebook Page and the official website stated in B1 above.

3. For online registrants you must complete the online form and click on submit or register. You will be officially notified of our acceptance of your online registration together with payment instructions given in the Statement of Account (SOA) you will receive either in your email or in your messenger. You will only pay following the SOA instruction. Payment is done through bank deposit or GCash only and you must keep your original deposit slip or GCash notification of remittance. You must send us a copy of the deposit slip or GCash notification of remittance to validate your deposit either by email, text message with a screen print of the deposit, or by messenger on our Official Facebook.

4. For registration done at our official Onsite Registration Partners, you must complete the official Registration Form available only at Official Registration Outlets and pay Race Event Fees.  Race kits are available at the Onsite Registration Partners which include the most important material in the race your Race Bib with number.

5. Race Kits of Online Registrants may be redeemed using the original deposit slip or clear copy at our designated pick-up or redemption outlet, in our office at a given schedule, and at the race venue before the Race Event starts. Online Registered runners may choose to get their race kit at the race venue on race day.

6. Sponsors will receive their complimentary Registration Form which they can give to any runner of their choice. Runners with the Complimentary Registration Form must completely fill up the form and submit the same for the Free Race Kit at Pimco Office before the Race Event or at the venue on race day at least 1 hour before the gun start.

7. All Registered Participant Runners who registered onsite without exception should submit back to the organizer the original registration form fully signed by you as the runner. Registration Forms signed by a representative of the Team or any person other than the runner will not be valid. Runners even with Bib number will not be allowed to take part unless he/she submits the signed waiver on top of their name.

8. For Online Registrants, there is a pre-filled-up Registration Form on race day to be signed please ensure that you sign the Registration Form with the waiver and submit the same to the organizer before the start of the race.

9. For whatever reason that the Registered Participant Runner failed to return or signed the waiver and original Registration Form, the waiver and this Rules and Regulations remain valid and binding between the Registered Participant Runner and the Race Organizer if and when the Participant Runner proceeds to participate in the Race Event and run.

10.   Unregistered runners who are able to run and participate without the expressed knowledge of the organizer by running without registering; using their old Bib; and or running using the bib and number registered under a different name is a “bandit” runners; however, Bandits are bound under this rules and regulations.

11.   Bandits are unregistered runners and are not allowed to run in the race. Any bandit caught running will be stopped and escorted out of the race and their name taken. Bandits caught will be banned in all upcoming and future races of Pimco and its partners


1. The Race Event to which these rules and regulations apply is the “Woodland International Trail Run Fun Race” or the “Race Event” that will be held on the first day of the opening of the Festival, at the Woodland Holiday & Leisure Park, Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal, Philippines.

2. Schedule of the Race Event shall be fixed by the organizer. The organizer for whatever reason it may have reserved the right to postpone and change the schedule of the Race Event or it’s the venue or location of the event.

3. Race organizer reserves the right to change the race route until the final day of before the run on the Race Event day for whatever reason and purpose.

4. Race Event fee is non-refundable except if the race is canceled for the entire year. Postponement of the race is not a cancellation. In case of postponement, a new schedule will be announced via Facebook Page, email, and official website as well as in official blogs and print media if available.

5. The Race Event has necessary permits with local government units in Tanay or in case where it will be transferred to another territory, it will be held with necessary permits. It will be held rain or shine but it may be subject to abrupt cancellation prior to the event and/or during the race event under circumstances including but not limited to extreme weather disturbances or sudden changes of temperature such as extreme heat and/or if there is imminent danger to all parties participating in the Event when authorities issued high alert level. In such cases where the safety of runners and all individuals involved in the holding of the race event may be compromised, the Race Organizer reserves the right to stop the race or modify the distances. In case of race stoppage or outright modification, all runners will be credited on the distance of the race finished. The 21k may be modified to 10k to shorten the distance in this case all the 21k runners will be given credit for finishing the 21k.

6. The Race Event will have different distances Race categories where runners may compete such as but not limited to 5 kilometers (5k), 10 kilometers (10k), and 21 kilometers (21k). In view of mountain terrain and road conditions factor, the race routes may at times be less than the distance or at times exceed the distance categories, especially in routes where there are transitions along the highway and concrete roads given but it will still be recorded under the official distance categories of the race event.

7. Each Race Category will have Cut-off Time assigned. Participant Runner must complete and finish the entire distance of the race category that he/she is officially registered, taking part in, and running. A Participant Runner missing the cut-off time assigned to the race category where he/she participates and takes part shall be disqualified – DFNd. However an exception for the 21k is allowed if and when the participant runner is able to finish 10k before being taken out of the 21k for failing to finish under the cut-off time, he/she will be credited for the 10k completed as Under Finisher.

8. Participant Runners may register and enter only in one race category and will not be allowed to transfer to any of the other race categories at least One (1) week before the Race Event. In case of transfer of category from higher to lower distance, the Registered Participants forfeit the Race Event fee paid for the higher distance race category.

9. The Race Event is International Trail Run Marathon Event and it is open to all foreigners in all race distance categories however, foreign participants in 10k will not be eligible for cash prizes but will receive all non-cash prizes and rewards.

10. The Race Event is recognized by Pimco Trail Running Club (PTRC). Result of the Race. All participating runners in the Event shall become automatic members of PTRC and will be placed on record of PTRC for recognition and possible upgrade in ranking and rating to International Elite of Trail Runners.

11. The Race Event is a property of Pimco Sporting Events as Race Organizer and Race Event Management, an affiliate of Pimco Business Solutions Co. Photographers will be allowed to take pictures of the participants in the Race Event provided the photos taken will be shared with the Race Organizer. The race organizer reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, video recordings, or other media records of the Race Event for any legitimate purposes including commercial advertising without giving monetary consideration to any participant.


1. Participants may run or walk. They are requested to observe proper running etiquette at all times during the Race Event.

2. Proper running etiquette is giving your fellow runners respect and courtesy. Sportsmanship must be observed in all stages of the race and participating runners should strictly follow observe the following:

a. Don’t heckle or disturb other runners whether it’s a joke. A friendly small chat of giving fellow runners motivation to carry on is welcome but heckling and joking around which may distract the focus of fellow runners will be a cause of disqualification from the race.

b. Cutting the way of runners dangerously is prohibited and will result in outright disqualification.

c. Runners must give way or outrun the runners behind him/her, especially in single trails. Blocking the runner purposely may result in injury or accidents and may be ground for disqualification if proven to be intentionally done.

d. Runners who may pass by a fellow runner in need of help should extend help. They may call the attention of the marshal at the aid station.

3. Participants must wear the assigned bib number in front of the person and must be at all times visible to organizers, staff, marshals, timers, media, medics, and all officers of the event including security personnel assigned by LGU, military, and police to secure the race route. Swapping of race bibs, before, during, and after the race is strictly prohibited and will result in disqualification. Runners not displaying their bib number will be considered a “bandit”.

Runners who have no bib number visible will not be given a finishing time.*

4. Registered Participant Runners who take off before the race event starts may be disqualified.

5. Registered Race Participants caught deviating from the race route or taking shortcuts or exchanging their race bibs with another runner will be automatically disqualified from the race and may be banned from any future races by the Race Organizer.

6. Cheating will result in the disqualification of a Registered Participant Runner in the Race Event and shall be banned from participating in all races of Pimco and shall lose membership in Pimco Trail Running Club or trail running club sponsored by Pimco. Trail Running, like any sport, is a gentleman/woman sport and therefore any Registered Participant Runner caught cheating the others like doing shortcuts and not completing the distance and then proceeding to the finish line, he/she shall be disqualified and banned in any of the races of Pimco and membership in PTRC. Cheating to get ahead of the other is taboo in the sports like Trail Running. Sportsmanship is the epitome of a true sportsman/woman engaged in Trail Running.

7. Registered Participant Runner should be at the starting gate before the gun start. The Starting Gate shall close at 2 minutes before the countdown. Runners who are not at the starting gate 2 minutes before the countdown shall wait to be called by the Race Master before they can proceed to join the race. Runners who are late when all the Race Categories have already taken off shall have to wait for clearance from the Race Master to join the race.

8. Registered Participant Runners who are One (1) hour late after all the race categories have taken off shall no longer be allowed to join the race and shall forfeit his/her registration. They may however claim their race kits together with gift or loot bags. They may appeal with the Race Organizer but whatever the decision of the Race Organizer shall be final and should be respected.

9. In the event that runners dropped from the race and stopped competing during the race, runners are responsible to notify race volunteers and turn in the race bib tag at the nearest checkpoint or the finish line. Runners who choose to drop from the race for whatever reason should first return to the Race Venue and turn in their bib tag to the Race Organizer but should not cross the finish line.  Runners who fail to comply with this rule will assume financial responsibility for any search and rescue expenses.

10. The 21k Runner who will stop and drop from the race at the 10k mark should inform the Aid Station at of the 21k checkpoints and surrender the bib tag. After your time is taken and the bib tag, you must go back to the race venue but you should not cross the finish line. The 10k you finished will be credited to you but you will still be listed as those who Did Not Finish the Race or DNF.

11. Pacing of runners either by bicycle riding pacer or unregistered runner without a bib is not allowed and is Illegal. Illegal pacing will result in the disqualification of a runner being paced.

12. The 10k runners are required to carry at least a 20oz bottle or the equivalent hydration pack while 21k’ers are required to carry 2 x 20z bottles or their equivalent. There will be free water stations at designated locations along the race route.

13. Strictly no littering on the race routes. You may stay at aid stations to eat and leave your garbage in the station’s garbage bag. An offending runner may be disqualified. If you observe any runner drop litter on the course, you agree to chase them down and get their bib number to report to officials at the next aid station.

14. Aid station personnel have the authority to remove you from the race due to rules infringement, runner safety, or for missing a cut-off time. 

15. Runners who are rude or offensive toward Race Organizer, the Race Officials, Staff and Marshalls, and Race Volunteers will have their bib numbers recorded and may be disqualified. All complaints against anyone Race Officials and Staff

16. No wearing of old race bibs. Runners who wear a bib number that is "out of sequence" will be disqualified.

17. Runners who do not have a bib tag attached to their race bib at the finish line will not be "official" finishers.

18. After crossing the finish line, runners must present himself/herself to the finish line race officials and marshals for the bib tag. In case the Race Marshals failed to get the bib tag of the runner, the same runner must call the attention of the finish line marshal and surrender the bib tag.

19. Support crews for the 21k may be permitted with proper coordination and with prior approval of the Race Organizer only at designated places but are not allowed to mingle or stand by at any of the aid stations. The designated places will be given at your race kit.

20. The 21k runners' drop bags are permitted at the designated station. You will receive this in your race kit where the drop bags will be located for the 21k.

21. Support crew for the 10k or less is not permitted at all.

22. The Rules and Regulations are non-negotiable and there are no exceptions. The race officials and aid station volunteers reserve the right to enforce rules and regulations and/or to create new rules, as necessary, up to and including on race day when the situation is called for.


1. Winners and Prizes:

Champion for Women’s and Men’s Division in 10k and 21k with Medals and Cash/Gift Prizes (Cash Prize for Fun Race is P3,000.00 each for the Champions)

2nd and 3rd Place for Women’s and Men’s Division Non-Cash Gift Prizes and Medals

Top Ten Runners for each Division Certificates of Recognition and Gifts for the Top Ten Finishers

Finisher Shirts for all who registered early and within the cut-off date of Registration.

All Finishers in all Categories will receive a Certificate of Recognition for Finishing the Race.

* All winners must be physically present to receive their awards and prizes during the awarding ceremony. The organizer shall have the right to forfeit the prizes of winners who are not physically present during the awarding ceremony.

2. Under Finishers are Participant Runners who failed to finish under the Cut-off time and were disqualified in any of the Categories participated in. They will receive a Certificate of Participation that will include the record of kilometers covered. 

3. Under Finishers shall not be eligible for Finishers Shirt but only for the Certificate of Participation that will include the record of kilometers completed. To get the record, the Under Finisher runner must inform the Marshall/Field Station of their desire to withdraw from the race for any personal circumstances/reasons. The Certificate of Participation will be emailed to the Under Finisher Runner.

4. For Security and for purposes of verification of results in case of protests that may be lodged by any registered participating runners who may have reason to file a protest, Cash Prizes shall not be awarded on-site. Winners shall receive Cash Vouchers instead which can be redeemed only at the Pimco Sporting Events office or upon request by the winner cash prize shall be deposited in the bank of the winner or sent via GCash within 5 working days. The 5 working days period will allow any protest from other runners to be heard by the organizers.  The 5 working days may be exceeded in case of complicated issues of the concluded race event. The resolution of the protest will be based solely on the Organizer's final judgment and should be respected by all parties concerned.

5. If no protest is received by Organizer within the 5 working days period, winners will receive their Cash Prizes, sent via money transfer, deposited in the bank per instruction of the runner, or redeemed personally by the winning runner in the office of Pimco.

6. Winners must make a formal request for how the money will be sent via bank-to-bank deposit or via money transfer. If via money transfer, winners shall be charged the equivalent of the service fee by Money Remittance companies – Western Union, Cebuana Lhuillier, LBC, GCash, Cash Remittance Request forms for winners will be available at the Organizer's Administrative booth at the Race Venue.

7. Non-cash prizes and awards such as gifts, medals, trophies, shirts, and other items shall be awarded on-site immediately after the cut-off time. Awarding of winners shall immediately follow after the cut-off time for all runners.

8. All finishers shall immediately receive their Finishers Package after crossing the finish line and after verification of Race Bib number, and surrender of bib-tag.

9. All Finishers may claim their Finishers Package upon presentation of race bib at the Finishers Claim Booth.

10. Non-Finishers or those that will not make the cut-off time shall not be eligible for the Finishers Medal and Finishers Shirt but will receive the Loot Bag and continue to be eligible for other prizes such as any gifts they will win along the road. Runners who will not be able to finish shall receive a Certificate of Participation that will be mailed to them.


1. Should a runner makes a protest against any of the winners said runner must immediately notify the Race Officials at the Finish Line and inform them of the nature of the protest and the bib number of the runner being protested to within fifteen (15) minutes after crossing the finish line. The protesting runner shall then submit a written protest to the Race Organizer within 3 days after the race event and pay a Protest Fee of P500.00. Organizer shall withhold any Cash Prize of the Winner who is subject to protest and shall decide on the protest within 5 working days after receiving the formal protest. Organizer shall review the result of the contested race and may call the winners to answer the protest if there is proof submitted by the protesting party. If not the Organizer shall make the decision and relay the decision to the parties involved.

2. The organizer's decision is final in any protest and should be respected by all parties.

3. Race Organizers shall always assume regularity of conduct of runners before, during, and after the race so that winners are assumed and declared winners unless there is overwhelming and sufficient proof presented by a protesting party of any violation of the winners in these Rules and Regulations.

4. Participant runners may leave personal things at the Baggage Booth. You are responsible in keeping your personal things. The organizers shall not be responsible for any lost item or things left and unclaimed in the baggage booth, in any place in the official venue, in official trail routes or in any other places.

5. These Rules and Regulations are non-negotiable and there are no exceptions. The Race Organizers, officials, managers, and station volunteers reserve the right to enforce rules and/or create new rules as necessary, up to and including on race day.


In consideration of my registration as a registered participant runner in Woodland International Trail Run Fun Race hereinafter referred to here as the “Race Event” scheduled on September 3, 2023, or on a date that will be fixed by the organizer in case of postponement due to weather disturbances or other reasons determined by organizers, I, my heirs, executors, and administrators hereby release and forever discharge the organizer, Pimco Sporting Events and its affiliate Pimco Business Solutions Co. all its owners, partners, officers, staff, servants, sponsors, agents, subcontractors, race directors, race volunteers, instrumentalities, all-volunteer community groups, and all organization assisting the Race Event, partner organizations of organizers, producers, their agents, and representatives of all claims, liabilities, damages or costs which I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in the Race Event. 

I fully understand this waiver includes claims based on negligence, action, or inaction of the above-mentioned parties.  I fully recognize the difficulties of this Race Event and declare that I’m physically fit and able to compete in this Race Event safely and not have been told otherwise by a medically qualified person. Furthermore, I certify that I have secured for myself life and accident insurance coverage up to the third party's liability to answer for any damage or loss of life and property that may occur in this particular Race Event.

I have carefully read and understood to the best of my knowledge the registration form and its printed form and I bind myself and abide by all the Rules and Regulations of the Race Event. I will abide by all the directions of the race officers on the day of the race.

By submitting the Online Registration Form I bind myself with this Liability Waiver and Release Form as if I have signed the printed form.

By Me:


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